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Start WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Recovery With BayEngage

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10 Ways To Recover WooCommerce Abandoned Cart

Abandoned cart recovery is one of the most effective strategies for recovering your lost sales. The problem is that many store owners don’t have a strategy to optimize these messages. They easily overlook this part of their marketing plan with so much on their plate.
However, abandoned cart recovery allows you to send a reminder email to customers who have not completed their orders. These emails are sent right before the customer’s order expires, encouraging them to complete the purchase process.

In this guide, you’ll learn about abandoned carts and how to recover them and encourage customers to come back more often. Well, we’ll also help you get started with the WooCommerce abandoned cart recovery process. 

Let’s get started!

What Is An Abandoned Cart?

An abandoned cart is the result when customers put things in their shopping cart but don’t complete the purchase.

Abandoned carts are a huge opportunity to convert shoppers into customers. However, with over 80% of shopping carts left before purchase, it’s easy to see why increasing sales is complex.

To remedy this problem, you need three things: clear communication about the state of the cart, a way to address any questions or concerns the customer might have, and incentives that encourage them to finish their orders.

This marketing strategy will play a significant role in getting more sales from your Ecommerce store. It also helps you retain buyers and lets them know that you care about them as a customer.

Divers Supply Recovered Abandoned Cart Worth $71,456 Every Month

"Building an online store was not easy. We didn’t know much about eCommerce email marketing. BayEngage helped us in every step of the way to be successful."

Why Do People Abandon Their Carts?

If you’re selling products online, then you’ve likely experienced the frustration of a customer who gets to the checkout page and then abandons the cart. You work hard to optimize your site so that people convert, but they simply can’t seem to make it through the checkout process.

There are many reasons why this happens, but the most common causes include:
Most Ecommerce store owners ignore cart abandonment, but you can do something about it. We will discuss recovering the abandoned carts in the forthcoming sections.

How To Recover WooCommerce Abandoned Carts?

Abandoned carts typically hurt your business. But they don’t need to be all that bad. You can recover many of them without much effort and win back some lost revenue. Here are ten ways to do just that in as little as 24 hours.

10 Ways To Recover WooCommerce Abandoned Carts

1. Provide Free Shipping

When a potential customer adds items to their cart and then leaves without buying anything, you’re losing a lot of potential revenue. 

To combat this issue, you can send a WooCommerce abandoned cart email to try and coax those customers back into making a purchase. 

Make sure you design this email to address why they abandoned their cart in the first place, which is often the need to provide free shipping. By managing your customer’s needs, you can show them that you’re committed to providing them with the best possible shopping experience.

2. Allow Guest Checkout

Guest checkout is an excellent way to recover WooCommerce abandoned carts. Guest checkout is a process that allows customers to complete their purchase on the website without having an account on the site.

Guest checkout will allow you to convert your visitor into a customer by adding a one-click checkout to your site. When visitors add an item to their cart, guest checkout prompts them with a one-time password that allows them to checkout without re-enter payment information.

guest checkout

3. Provide Different Modes Of Payment

If you want to boost conversions, the best way to do this is by adding multiple payment options to your shopping cart. 

Payment options provide a sense of security and convenience to the customers. An ecommerce website, which has multiple payment options, is more likely to get the customers’ attention as it makes them feel safe. It also allows them to choose from various payment modes.

However, adding multiple payment options can drastically reduce cart abandonment and increase conversions because shoppers see it more accessible to complete their orders. Additionally, you aren’t just increasing sales but also strengthening your relationship with customers.

different modes of payment

4. Send Abandoned Cart Recovery Emails

There are several reasons why you should send WooCommerce abandoned cart emails to your customers. When the customer adds an item to the cart but doesn’t check out, it means they like your product. They need it. However, there is one thing that stops them from completing the checkout process, and that’s called “WooCommerce abandoned cart email.”

Everyone wants to get their products sold as soon as possible. Sending abandoned cart emails will help you achieve that goal. You can also use these tactics to convert people into repeat buyers, which will benefit your business in the long run. However, you can recoup your lost revenue by sending abandoned cart emails at the right time.

abandoned cart recovery email

Automate WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Recovery With BayEnagage

With BayEngage’s abandoned cart recovery recipe, you can set up your automation and start recovering abandoned carts within minutes!

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5. Remind Shoppers With Exit-intent Pop-ups

Many people leave shopping carts without buying. This is because they forgot something or changed their mind. One of the most effective ways is by using exit-intent popups.

They are popups that appear when a user is leaving your site. They are intended to stop users from leaving the page by displaying an offer or a coupon or asking them to return to the cart. They have a powerful impact on conversions and take minutes to set up.

They only appear on the site right before a user leaves the site. They are more effective than pre-exit popups because they catch users while they’re still on the site. The user is still open to messages from the company and is still interested in the products.

exit-intent popup

6. Include Social Proof On The Check-out Page

Social proof is the idea that the actions of others influence people. Social proof is a powerful marketing tool when used correctly. Social proof can create a sense of urgency for sale or validate a product or claim.

Businesses use social proof to help guide their customers, and we see it all over the digital world, from websites and landing pages to emails and ads. You’ve probably seen social proof in action in your own life, too—on television commercials, on billboards, in newspapers and magazines, on Facebook and Instagram.

If you want customers to come back to your store, you need to build social proof into your site. That could be through things like reviews and ratings. It’s not just a way to create that initial trust, but it also helps you in the long run.

7. Use Urgency And Scarcity Effectively

Urgency and scarcity are two critical aspects of marketing and sales. They have been used by marketers for decades now. After all, a sale is only a sale if the customer feels pressure to take action quickly.

Recovering the WooCommerce abandoned cart is a challenging task for Ecommerce store owners. One thing that can rapidly recoup the lost sales is giving a sense of urgency to your customers and making them feel that the special deal or offer won’t be available for long.

As a result, many businesses include time-limited offers in their marketing campaigns. Providing limited offers is one of the most effective ways to grab your customer’s attention and boost sales.

8. Avoid High Shipping Fees And Hidden Costs

Cart abandonment is one of the biggest problems online retailers face. There are many ways to reduce cart abandonment, but the easiest way is to make sure your shipping pricing is clear and visible. 

If you are wondering how to avoid shipping fees and hidden costs, keep reading. The first step is to offer free shipping on all orders if the customer has placed an order with you.

Another way to look at it is that a free shipping policy is sometimes more valuable than a lower price. If a customer decides between two similar products, they will go with free shipping. Why? Because paying no money upfront, rather than paying less overall, is more attractive to most customers.

9. Make The WooCommerce Checkout Process Faster

A quick and easy checkout process is vital for customers’ positive shopping experience. 

The slower the checkout process, the less likely the customer will complete the purchase. There are many reasons why people abandon their carts, but ultimately it boils down to a prolonged checkout process.

The faster your checkout process is the better your cart recovery rates. Here’s why:

It allows shoppers to get what they need without having to wait. People don’t like to wait.

It makes people feel good about themselves and their purchases. A faster transaction makes them feel like they can buy anything they want.

It makes customers spend less time filling out long forms while shopping online. They want faster checkout options to move on with their lives as quickly as possible.

10. Make It SimpleTo Contact Customer Service Team

We all know that providing a good user experience is of paramount importance. We want users to like our products and services, but when something goes wrong, customers may feel frustrated.

If they’re unhappy with the product or service provided, they may think twice about buying from us again. A lack of customer satisfaction can lead to a negative word-of-mouth campaign, impacting sales and losing revenue.

That’s why customer service is so essential. The most effective way to keep customers happy is to fulfill their needs quickly and effectively.

Customer support is not the most glamorous part of the Ecommerce business, but it is the one thing that will determine your success in the long run and encourage customers to return.

Access 60+ Abandoned Cart Recovery Email Templates

Pick a template, customize, and automate! Start recovering your abandoned carts with BayEngage.

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What Effects Do WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Emails Have On The Digital Experience?

With the rise of Ecommerce, abandoned cart emails have become an essential part of the digital experience. How do they impact the overall customer experience?

WooCommerce abandoned cart emails are a valuable tool to help online shoppers. They offer immediate gratification, free shipping, discounts, and other incentives to encourage customers to complete their purchases. 

On average, more than 10% of abandoned carts are decided to complete the purchase, and this number has grown steadily over the years.

While WooCommerce abandoned cart emails serve as an excellent way for retailers to recoup lost sales, there is no doubt that they can significantly impact customers’ shopping experience.

Start Your WooCommerce Abandoned Cart Recovery Process With BayEngage

If your store is losing money due to abandoned carts, the BayEngage WooCommerce plugin can help you recoup those lost sales and customers.

The WooCommerce Plugin from BayEngage is an easy-to-integrate solution to help you recover WooCommerce abandoned carts and increase your customer lifetime value. Create your free account today and start recovering those lost sales!


WooCommerce abandoned cart plugin allows you to send automated and timely email reminders to customers who have added your products to their cart but fail to complete the purchase.
There are several methods for recovering abandoned carts, such as exit-intent pop-ups, social proofs, smooth checkout, and multiple payment options.

Here’s how to Use BayEngage’s WooCommerce Plugin to increase sales:

Step 1: Download, install and activate the WooCommerce Cart Recovery Plugin.

Step 2: Go to the Email Templates tab. And start creating WooCommerce abandoned cart emails.

Step 3: Finally, you need to decide when to send the abandoned cart email and whether to activate it or not.

Ideally, you can send the first abandoned cart email within an hour, the second email in one day, and the third email after three days.
The average cart abandonment rate is 69.82%.
Cart recovery campaign with three emails is likely to recoup the lost revenue. Send the first email within 1 hour, the second email in one day, and the third email after three days.
It is a follow-up email sent to those who added items to their cart but did not complete the checkout process. As a result, your copy should be appealing to the buyer, with discounts and loyalty programs that encourage them to return to the cart.

Recover 64% Of Your WooCommerce Abandoned Carts With BayEngage

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