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  • 9 Stunning BigCommerce Abandoned Cart Strategies to Get Stellar Results

9 Stunning BigCommerce Abandoned Cart Strategies to Get Stellar Results


Abandoned cart strategies do wonder to your BigCommerce store. They lessen the rate at which your store’s cart is being abandoned by winning most of them back with targeted emails. And there is more to cart abandonment than what meets the eye. And using the right email marketing software also plays a major role in deciding your winning factor, along with using the right BigCommerce abandoned cart strategies!

Well, we don’t want to start with another run-of-the-mill same old situation on why you need to send BigCommerce abandoned cart emails! We would actually present you with the statistics that would help you to judge better why you need to be in your customers’ inboxes more than ever.  

Approximately over $23.50 billion is spent on digital ads by U.S. retailers every year with the hope to drive traffic to their eCommerce websites, whereas the average conversion rate is around 2.68%

Well, now read the statistics again.

What do these statistics mean? It clearly shows that despite enough investments made on digital ads to attract relevant consumers to Ecommerce websites, the majority of visitors are still drifting away empty-handed. 

Similarly, if you’re also struggling to put an end to this leaky funnel, you would definitely like to take care of the increasing high shopping cart abandonment rates. And, be it a business who is new to the retail world, or a seasoned Ecommerce business, we have got it covered for you. We will not only help you with the key abandoned cart strategies that would eventually improve your conversion rates, but also help you identify different reasons behind your shoppers abandoning their purchases at the buyer’s journey. 

Now, let’s get going with the basics first. 

What is Shopping Cart Abandonment?

Not necessarily all the customers who visit your eCommerce website purchases immediately, but often adds items to the cart and abandons to never return. This increases cart abandonment. Although it might look that cart abandonment is harmless, when you start monitoring, you’ll understand that it can very well be a roadblock to your business for having a great quarter and high churning revenue. Plus, a soaring cart abandonment rate can actually be a common indicator of friction in your Checkout Process or User experience. And calculating your Bigcommerce shopping cart abandonment rate is not rocket science and can be done in a jiffy. 

But, before we get into the reasons behind cart abandonment, let’s look at the scintillating statistics that immediately give away why you should be directing all your attention over reducing your Bigcommerce shopping cart abandonment rate.

Statistics: Shopping Cart Abandonment

The Baymard Institute’s 2019 research shows that the average cart abandonment rate is 69.57%. Yes! You have heard and read it right. 

Shopping Cart Abandonment Statistics

Ideally, if you optimise your abandoned cart rate, you are good to go and can help achieve your business goals. However, if your abandoned cart rate is much higher than the average rate, all you need to do is sit back, relax, give this article a read and tweak your tactics a bit to enjoy a higher user conversion rate in just no time.

What Are the Top Reasons For Shopping Cart Abandonment?

If you are looking to improve your abandoned cat rate, the first step is to understand the exact reason(s) that are the roadblock and forcing consumers to abandon the cart. Although it’s near to impossible to eradicate shopping cart abandonment, understanding the reasons behind shoppers that led to their abandonment and being proactive in optimizing those triggers can lead to immense joy in your conversion rate and revenue. 

Let’s divulge into some of the trouble spots for shopping cart abandonment.

1. Too Long or a Confused checkout process

In today’s digitally fast-paced world, simplify the checkout process. Overcomplicating or slowing down the checkout process can be a hindrance. Plus, the shoppers who come in, they would want to cross the finish line quickly and easily. A complicated and multi-tier checkout process will only build friction and push them towards abandoning their cart even when they have spent a considerable amount of time adding items to their cart. So, designing a checkout process that is super quick with the least number of clicks would only make the customer experience better and not ward off your visitors to not visit ever again. 

2. Hidden shipping costs

Typically the shipping cost is added in the final checkout process, but imagine how will you react if you find out there’s a drastic increase in the shipping charges? You’ll be mad, right? Well, your customers would also feel the same and this would probably permanently deter them from not coming back. So, if you really wish to bring down your abandoned cart rate, try to minimize the shock of unexpected costs that the user did not anticipate.  

3. Creating an Account

Asking your users to create an account before they complete their purchase not only makes it overpowering but also adds on to become an unnecessary barrier. And this holds true for every customer, especially the first-time users, who might not be interested in creating a mandatory account. Besides, the creation of a username and password is another way you would slow down the whole checkout process that would only push away your consumers from completing their purchase.

4. Concerns on Payment Security 

This is arguably one of the most common concerns that almost all consumers have in mind. Thus, if they don’t feel safe in providing their financial or personal details, as they fear it won’t be handled securely, you are in deep trouble. This would not only plant second thoughts about your Ecommerce business but also reduce your chance of converting the leads.

5. Out of Stock or Restrictions on product quantity

Imagine, you spend over an hour scouting through an Ecommerce website now and finally added a few items to the cart. But, then before completing your purchase you find out that the products are out of stock or there’s a restriction on the quantity you can buy. Well, you would be irritated, right? So, will be your users. So, being upfront about every little thing, be it the restriction on the product quantity or the products that are out of stock, helps limit expectations and in fact reduces the consumer’s frustration.

6. Limited Payment Options

Most of the online shoppers are looking to complete their purchase conveniently using the payment methods. Now, while some shoppers might be willingly accepting your default payment gateways, not all of them would agree. So, limiting the options might just create a ground for them to abandon.

7. No clear return and refund policy. 

If you’re buying something online, you would definitely want to know the return policies before you even make the purchase. And if you don’t put up enough information about the return policies and warranties it can actually set your customers on second-guessing their purchase. 

8. Low Site Speed and App Performance Issues. 

If your app or Ecommerce site is unstable, it might just lead to serious problems with consumers. So, before they get frustrated, irritated, and abandon the cart to never return, try to gain their confidence.  

What are the Tips to Decrease Your Shopping Cart Abandonment Rate?

Now that you know the trouble spots that can ward off your customers and lead to a BigCommerce abandoned cart, it’s essential that you focus on cart optimization tips that will help you promote a seamless experience and eventually add dollars to your profits. 

1. Transparency Is The Key

When your shoppers visit your Ecommerce website, be upfront with all the costs that will be levied from shopping charges to taxes, this would reduce the friction and not take shoppers by surprise whenever they come across a price. 

In the following example, if you look closely the brand has automatically added the delivery charges to the final order and showcases it in a clear and concise format.

Clear Check Out Process

2. Add Checkout Progress Indicators Bars

One of the biggest mistakes is not clearly showcasing the progress indicator, which would eventually help shoppers to understand how long the checkout process is going to take. So, a progression bar can actually serve as a motivation for users to complete their purchase. 


Check Out Process Status

3. Effortless navigation between store and cart

Sometimes consumers prefer to quickly add a few items to their cart and then again get back to scouting the inventory to figure out what all they need. That’s why, if you don’t make that process easy, and you make them click too much, they might just prefer to abandon than completing the purchase. Some Ecommerce sites have also designed their website in such a way that the page views and number of clicks are reduced so that they can complete the transaction as easily as possible. 

Here in this example, you can see that once the shopper adds the perfect tire rim to their cart, a checkout modal enables the customers to purchase it.

Easy Check Out Process

4. Optimise Your Page Load Speeds

Having a checkout page that is faster will only add to the smoothness of the checkout process.  It not only satisfies your user’s demand for a quick checkout experience but also makes them happy. Plus, this would also make them buy from you more often thanks to your speedy checkout process. Well, thank us later!  

Optimise Page Speed

5. Provide guest checkout options

Forcing your customers to make an account is detrimental to your growth. Thus, giving the potential customer an option of guest logging when they land on your website will not deter them. However, you should always make sure to collect their email address so that you can always engage with them.

Guest check out option

6. Offer Chat Support

A live chat software or live bot support provides the added support for your customers who are on their toes to answer questions! Ready to help you find items or answer their questions. You can mirror this same level of care and attention by integrating customer support options into your checkout flow. Using cart abandonment data, identify areas where shoppers are more likely to drop off and allow users to chat with a customer support representative to reduce abandonment. Here, it allows shoppers to chat with the brand using Facebook Messenger.

Offer chat support

7. Use trust symbols to reassure customers

One thing that shoppers are most concerned about is security. So, using trust symbols and trustworthy and safety seals will actually help you gain your consumer’s confidence. It’s important as your shoppers are going to share sensitive information with you, but if there’s a sliver of doubt, they might just abandon the cart and never return. Thus, building customer confidence in your Ecommerce platform is a major task so that you can reassure shoppers that their information will be safe with you.

Use Trust Symbols

8. Make the Way for Several payment options

Every shopper has their own payment choices, that’s why if you limit the choices, you’ll only create an unnecessary obstacle between them completing the purchase and abandoning it. So, if you really want to provide a seamless shopping experience then, giving your shoppers access to several payment options including digital wallets, credit cards, debit cards, and direct bank transfers, will do wonders as you ensure that you are not forcing the actual customers to quit. 

Here, in this example, you can find out that to help their customers actually buy it, they allow customers to split their payments into smaller monthly installments instead of paying the whole thing upfront. 

Several payment options

9. State Clear refund and return policy

Solid return and refund policies are vital to clearly state out for every Ecommerce site as the shoppers don’t get the luxury to check the products or items in person. Thus, offering customers a great return policy with a quick and easy refund policy highlights your genuinity and customer service. Plus, mentioning the policies clearly in the checkout process will only help shoppers to make an informed decision and also entice them to make the purchase. 

How to Integrate Different Marketing Tactics to Combat Bigcommerce Abandoned Cart?

Well, now that you know tactics that would actually help you optimize your abandoned cart rate, it’s a no brainer to understand that alone won’t be any good. Thus, mixing off-site and on-site marketing strategies can actually bring down the rate faster as it would help to re-engage with your shoppers with the hope that they reconsider their decision and complete the purchase. 

1. A pop-up to Capture Their Exit Thoughts

Nothing works better than getting inputs from your customer. Thus, adding an exit-intent pop-up that is triggered when users abandon their shopping cart to capture their intents. These Ecommerce pop-ups would eventually help you narrow down on the issues that are forcing them to deter away. Along with these, you can also add a promotion code as a last attempt to keep them from abandoning your cart. After all, sometimes all you need is just a discount code to get your customers to complete the purchase. 

Bonus Tip: You can also auto-populate a  popup and remind your customers about what they are leaving behind when they abandon their cart.

2. Retarget Your Cart Abandoners. 

Unlike most shoppers, some shoppers do need multiple touchpoints, and social proof to be able to commit to completing a purchase. And for these groups of customers, retargeting them through relevant ads can actually help to keep growing your revenue. Basically, the retargeting ads are meant to create a constant reminder for your customers to complete their purchase.

Bonus Tips: Retargeting tools from TargetBay, can actually help you grow your revenue and spur your customers to complete the purchase. 

3. Personalize. Personalize

While following up with your customers, works the best if your abandoned cart emails are directly addressed to your customers. After all, personalization is the key and it helps create genuine engagement with your customers even when they are not willing to complete their purchase. Plus, reminding them with a series of abandoned cart emails at regular intervals to help them pick up from where they have left.

While following up with your customers, works the best if your abandoned cart emails are directly addressed to your customers. After all, personalization is the key and it helps create genuine engagement with your customers even when they are not willing to complete their purchase. Plus, reminding them with a series of abandoned cart emails at regular intervals to help them pick up from where they have left.

Bonus Tips: You can look into Bigcommerce abandoned cart email strategy to know more details. 

4. Leverage social proof

Employing social proof is another great trick to help convince shoppers to complete the purchase. All you gotta do is, fill your product pages with reviews from real customers and also write a copy that actually convinces them on why they need it and how it is a valuable addition to their life. 


Strategize. Run A/B Testing. Analyze. So, it might look overwhelming and a lot of work, but once you have segmented your customers in different groups, you will be able to streamline the process, optimize it, and target better. Besides, making your checkout experiences trouble-free can actually put an end to all the consumer’s frustration and help you slowly move towards your business revenue goals.

Abandoned cart strategies do wonder to your BigCommerce store. They lessen the rate at which your store’s cart is being abandoned by winning most of them back with targeted emails. And there is more to cart abandonment than what meets the eye. And using the right email marketing software also plays a major role in deciding your winning factor, along with using the right BigCommerce abandoned cart strategies!

Well, we don’t want to start with another run-of-the-mill same old situation on why you need to send BigCommerce abandoned cart emails! We would actually present you with the statistics that would help you to judge better why you need to be in your customers’ inboxes more than ever.  

Approximately over $23.50 billion is spent on digital ads by U.S. retailers every year with the hope to drive traffic to their eCommerce websites, whereas the average conversion rate is around 2.68%

Well, now read the statistics again.

What do these statistics mean? It clearly shows that despite enough investments made on digital ads to attract relevant consumers to Ecommerce websites, the majority of visitors are still drifting away empty-handed. 

Similarly, if you’re also struggling to put an end to this leaky funnel, you would definitely like to take care of the increasing high shopping cart abandonment rates. And, be it a business who is new to the retail world, or a seasoned Ecommerce business, we have got it covered for you. We will not only help you with the key abandoned cart strategies that would eventually improve your conversion rates, but also help you identify different reasons behind your shoppers abandoning their purchases at the buyer’s journey. 

Now, let’s get going with the basics first. 

What is Shopping Cart Abandonment?

Not necessarily all the customers who visit your eCommerce website purchases immediately, but often adds items to the cart and abandons to never return. This increases cart abandonment. Although it might look that cart abandonment is harmless, when you start monitoring, you’ll understand that it can very well be a roadblock to your business for having a great quarter and high churning revenue. Plus, a soaring cart abandonment rate can actually be a common indicator of friction in your Checkout Process or User experience. And calculating your Bigcommerce shopping cart abandonment rate is not rocket science and can be done in a jiffy. 

But, before we get into the reasons behind cart abandonment, let’s look at the scintillating statistics that immediately give away why you should be directing all your attention over reducing your Bigcommerce shopping cart abandonment rate.

Statistics: Shopping Cart Abandonment

The Baymard Institute’s 2019 research shows that the average cart abandonment rate is 69.57%. Yes! You have heard and read it right. 

Shopping Cart Abandonment Statistics

Ideally, if you optimise your abandoned cart rate, you are good to go and can help achieve your business goals. However, if your abandoned cart rate is much higher than the average rate, all you need to do is sit back, relax, give this article a read and tweak your tactics a bit to enjoy a higher user conversion rate in just no time.

What Are the Top Reasons For Shopping Cart Abandonment?

If you are looking to improve your abandoned cat rate, the first step is to understand the exact reason(s) that are the roadblock and forcing consumers to abandon the cart. Although it’s near to impossible to eradicate shopping cart abandonment, understanding the reasons behind shoppers that led to their abandonment and being proactive in optimizing those triggers can lead to immense joy in your conversion rate and revenue. 

Let’s divulge into some of the trouble spots for shopping cart abandonment.

1. Too Long or a Confused checkout process

In today’s digitally fast-paced world, simplify the checkout process. Overcomplicating or slowing down the checkout process can be a hindrance. Plus, the shoppers who come in, they would want to cross the finish line quickly and easily. A complicated and multi-tier checkout process will only build friction and push them towards abandoning their cart even when they have spent a considerable amount of time adding items to their cart. So, designing a checkout process that is super quick with the least number of clicks would only make the customer experience better and not ward off your visitors to not visit ever again. 

2. Hidden shipping costs

Typically the shipping cost is added in the final checkout process, but imagine how will you react if you find out there’s a drastic increase in the shipping charges? You’ll be mad, right? Well, your customers would also feel the same and this would probably permanently deter them from not coming back. So, if you really wish to bring down your abandoned cart rate, try to minimize the shock of unexpected costs that the user did not anticipate.  

3. Creating an Account

Asking your users to create an account before they complete their purchase not only makes it overpowering but also adds on to become an unnecessary barrier. And this holds true for every customer, especially the first-time users, who might not be interested in creating a mandatory account. Besides, the creation of a username and password is another way you would slow down the whole checkout process that would only push away your consumers from completing their purchase.

4. Concerns on Payment Security 

This is arguably one of the most common concerns that almost all consumers have in mind. Thus, if they don’t feel safe in providing their financial or personal details, as they fear it won’t be handled securely, you are in deep trouble. This would not only plant second thoughts about your Ecommerce business but also reduce your chance of converting the leads.

5. Out of Stock or Restrictions on product quantity

Imagine, you spend over an hour scouting through an Ecommerce website now and finally added a few items to the cart. But, then before completing your purchase you find out that the products are out of stock or there’s a restriction on the quantity you can buy. Well, you would be irritated, right? So, will be your users. So, being upfront about every little thing, be it the restriction on the product quantity or the products that are out of stock, helps limit expectations and in fact reduces the consumer’s frustration.

6. Limited Payment Options

Most of the online shoppers are looking to complete their purchase conveniently using the payment methods. Now, while some shoppers might be willingly accepting your default payment gateways, not all of them would agree. So, limiting the options might just create a ground for them to abandon.

7. No clear return and refund policy. 

If you’re buying something online, you would definitely want to know the return policies before you even make the purchase. And if you don’t put up enough information about the return policies and warranties it can actually set your customers on second-guessing their purchase. 

8. Low Site Speed and App Performance Issues. 

If your app or Ecommerce site is unstable, it might just lead to serious problems with consumers. So, before they get frustrated, irritated, and abandon the cart to never return, try to gain their confidence.  

What are the Tips to Decrease Your Shopping Cart Abandonment Rate?

Now that you know the trouble spots that can ward off your customers and lead to a BigCommerce abandoned cart, it’s essential that you focus on cart optimization tips that will help you promote a seamless experience and eventually add dollars to your profits. 

1. Transparency Is The Key

When your shoppers visit your Ecommerce website, be upfront with all the costs that will be levied from shopping charges to taxes, this would reduce the friction and not take shoppers by surprise whenever they come across a price. 

In the following example, if you look closely the brand has automatically added the delivery charges to the final order and showcases it in a clear and concise format.

Clear Check Out Process

2. Add Checkout Progress Indicators Bars

One of the biggest mistakes is not clearly showcasing the progress indicator, which would eventually help shoppers to understand how long the checkout process is going to take. So, a progression bar can actually serve as a motivation for users to complete their purchase. 


Check Out Process Status

3. Effortless navigation between store and cart

Sometimes consumers prefer to quickly add a few items to their cart and then again get back to scouting the inventory to figure out what all they need. That’s why, if you don’t make that process easy, and you make them click too much, they might just prefer to abandon than completing the purchase. Some Ecommerce sites have also designed their website in such a way that the page views and number of clicks are reduced so that they can complete the transaction as easily as possible. 

Here in this example, you can see that once the shopper adds the perfect tire rim to their cart, a checkout modal enables the customers to purchase it.

Easy Check Out Process

4. Optimise Your Page Load Speeds

Having a checkout page that is faster will only add to the smoothness of the checkout process.  It not only satisfies your user’s demand for a quick checkout experience but also makes them happy. Plus, this would also make them buy from you more often thanks to your speedy checkout process. Well, thank us later!  

Optimise Page Speed

5. Provide guest checkout options

Forcing your customers to make an account is detrimental to your growth. Thus, giving the potential customer an option of guest logging when they land on your website will not deter them. However, you should always make sure to collect their email address so that you can always engage with them.

Guest check out option

6. Offer Chat Support

A live chat software or live bot support provides the added support for your customers who are on their toes to answer questions! Ready to help you find items or answer their questions. You can mirror this same level of care and attention by integrating customer support options into your checkout flow. Using cart abandonment data, identify areas where shoppers are more likely to drop off and allow users to chat with a customer support representative to reduce abandonment. Here, it allows shoppers to chat with the brand using Facebook Messenger.

Offer chat support

7. Use trust symbols to reassure customers

One thing that shoppers are most concerned about is security. So, using trust symbols and trustworthy and safety seals will actually help you gain your consumer’s confidence. It’s important as your shoppers are going to share sensitive information with you, but if there’s a sliver of doubt, they might just abandon the cart and never return. Thus, building customer confidence in your Ecommerce platform is a major task so that you can reassure shoppers that their information will be safe with you.

Use Trust Symbols

8. Make the Way for Several payment options

Every shopper has their own payment choices, that’s why if you limit the choices, you’ll only create an unnecessary obstacle between them completing the purchase and abandoning it. So, if you really want to provide a seamless shopping experience then, giving your shoppers access to several payment options including digital wallets, credit cards, debit cards, and direct bank transfers, will do wonders as you ensure that you are not forcing the actual customers to quit. 

Here, in this example, you can find out that to help their customers actually buy it, they allow customers to split their payments into smaller monthly installments instead of paying the whole thing upfront. 

Several payment options

9. State Clear refund and return policy

Solid return and refund policies are vital to clearly state out for every Ecommerce site as the shoppers don’t get the luxury to check the products or items in person. Thus, offering customers a great return policy with a quick and easy refund policy highlights your genuinity and customer service. Plus, mentioning the policies clearly in the checkout process will only help shoppers to make an informed decision and also entice them to make the purchase. 

How to Integrate Different Marketing Tactics to Combat Bigcommerce Abandoned Cart?

Well, now that you know tactics that would actually help you optimize your abandoned cart rate, it’s a no brainer to understand that alone won’t be any good. Thus, mixing off-site and on-site marketing strategies can actually bring down the rate faster as it would help to re-engage with your shoppers with the hope that they reconsider their decision and complete the purchase. 

1. A pop-up to Capture Their Exit Thoughts

Nothing works better than getting inputs from your customer. Thus, adding an exit-intent pop-up that is triggered when users abandon their shopping cart to capture their intents. These Ecommerce pop-ups would eventually help you narrow down on the issues that are forcing them to deter away. Along with these, you can also add a promotion code as a last attempt to keep them from abandoning your cart. After all, sometimes all you need is just a discount code to get your customers to complete the purchase. 

Bonus Tip: You can also auto-populate a  popup and remind your customers about what they are leaving behind when they abandon their cart.

2. Retarget Your Cart Abandoners. 

Unlike most shoppers, some shoppers do need multiple touchpoints, and social proof to be able to commit to completing a purchase. And for these groups of customers, retargeting them through relevant ads can actually help to keep growing your revenue. Basically, the retargeting ads are meant to create a constant reminder for your customers to complete their purchase.

Bonus Tips: Retargeting tools from TargetBay, can actually help you grow your revenue and spur your customers to complete the purchase. 

3. Personalize. Personalize

While following up with your customers, works the best if your abandoned cart emails are directly addressed to your customers. After all, personalization is the key and it helps create genuine engagement with your customers even when they are not willing to complete their purchase. Plus, reminding them with a series of abandoned cart emails at regular intervals to help them pick up from where they have left.

While following up with your customers, works the best if your abandoned cart emails are directly addressed to your customers. After all, personalization is the key and it helps create genuine engagement with your customers even when they are not willing to complete their purchase. Plus, reminding them with a series of abandoned cart emails at regular intervals to help them pick up from where they have left.

Bonus Tips: You can look into Bigcommerce abandoned cart email strategy to know more details. 

4. Leverage social proof

Employing social proof is another great trick to help convince shoppers to complete the purchase. All you gotta do is, fill your product pages with reviews from real customers and also write a copy that actually convinces them on why they need it and how it is a valuable addition to their life. 


Strategize. Run A/B Testing. Analyze. So, it might look overwhelming and a lot of work, but once you have segmented your customers in different groups, you will be able to streamline the process, optimize it, and target better. Besides, making your checkout experiences trouble-free can actually put an end to all the consumer’s frustration and help you slowly move towards your business revenue goals.

Picture of Poulami


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