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Email Marketing for Freelancers: 6 Reasons Why To Use It for More Efficiency

Email Marketing for Freelancers 6 Reasons Why To Use It for More Efficiency

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E-mail marketing used by freelancers opens up many good prospects for professionals. It gives you the opportunity to significantly increase your efficiency and find new customers. We invite you to learn more about the benefits that this type of marketing offers to promote your services.

1. Connect with your target audience

Communication by e-mail has long been one of the popular types of business correspondence. If you want to keep in touch with your audience and achieve the goal of not forgetting you, a well-designed email marketing system will be in place. This will largely bypass competitors who do not use this method. Therefore, it is important to remember: the larger the list of the audience you send letters to, the greater the reach and the final percentage of those who will use your services.

To keep your mailing list growing, here’s one timely tip to keep it going. Ask all clients you work with for contact information to notify you of important information.

2. Customer Trust

In order to really achieve this goal, you need to work hard on the content of the letters that you send out. In the second part of this material, there will be more recommendations on how to do this. In the meantime, it is worth familiarizing yourself with why this is so important. There are very few clients who would be ready to order services immediately after the first letter. They must form their impression of you, imbued with trust. To do this, you should properly consider the content of the chain of letters.

If the reader is faced with the fact that he is offered nothing but aggressive marketing, it will hardly be possible to speak of real trust. But if the sequence of informational and advertising content is correctly arranged in the chain of letters, this forms a more benevolent perception of the specialist who makes such a mailing.

When it comes to informational content, we mean letters with information that is beneficial to the reader. For example, these may be recommendations on how to increase the duration of the positive effect of your services.

To properly plan your newsletter, you should write down key useful ideas. This will make it possible not to let them out of your field of vision. Freelancerplanner will help with this. Scrupulous fixation of your plans significantly increases the chances of their successful implementation. The email marketing industry is no exception.

3. Increase awareness

When a person is faced with the goal of ordering services from a good specialist, he first remembers those who regularly remind him of themselves and are in the field of his attention. Imagine a situation where a client wants to order copywriting through PDF writers or web design services. He knows several good people who can offer equivalent quality. But to whom will such a client turn? Of course, in most cases, he will choose the freelancer that he remembers first. And he will remember the specialist who reminds him of himself. If you regularly send useful information to the client, talk about discount periods, and try to be in his field of vision, there is a high probability that the choice will be in your favor.

And even if you haven’t used email marketing before, or if you’re not sure if it’s worth it for you, let’s look at the hard numbers. By the end of 2023, email marketing revenue is predicted to reach nearly $11 billion. Such indicators on a planetary scale are impressive, aren’t they?

email marketing revenue worldwide statistics

Source: Statistica

Another important part of raising awareness and presenting yourself in a professional light is the use of a digital business card. Digital business cards are an effective way for professionals to unify their online and offline presence and to make sure they are representing themselves in a consistent way – which is especially important for those engaged in in-person sales or networking.

4. Maintaining your own competitiveness

Some might say that not all freelancers use email marketing. This is true. But here, too, there are quite convincing figures that show a trend. Only 1.3% of brands decide to cut their email marketing budgets. In contrast, 37% of brands, on the contrary, increase such a budget.

If we consider our activities not in isolation from other market participants, it becomes obvious how important it is to maintain our own competitiveness. Including – due to this tool. If a freelancer unreasonably refuses a way to promote services that will soon be used by many of his colleagues, he leaves himself behind in this competitive race. It is unlikely that such a strategy can be called justified or justified. It will be more like ignoring the surrounding reality. It is much better to be among the first to master email marketing and be able to tailor it specifically to your business and your target audience.

5. Gather social proof

To collect as many testimonials as possible from your customers, it is worth using email marketing. Here, too, there will be some relevant tips on how to make the collection of feedback as effective as possible. There is a big difference between a single question or request for feedback and a well-designed questionnaire. In the first case, you will receive rather concise information, which does not always give an understanding of the strengths of your service and its development prospects in the context of client needs. Therefore, it is better to develop a small questionnaire.

The only important note that should be taken into account when compiling such a questionnaire is that it is not too large. If a person is asked to answer 10-15 questions, this can take a lot of time. Especially – when the addressee approaches them very thoughtfully. In this case, you will receive much fewer emails with customer reviews.

It is better if the questionnaire has only 3-5 questions that relate to the key one. These can be the main advantages of your service, your areas of growth and improvement, and the client’s wishes on the topic of discounts for certain dates or for a large order.

6. The effect of presence and support

Recently, the so-called relationship marketing has become popular. This means that the business should be focused not only on attracting new customers but also on retaining those that already exist. Moreover, it is much easier to work with a permanent loyal audience than to spend all the time attracting new customers who quickly leave.

If you want your audience to stay with you, you need to communicate with them regularly. This does not mean at all that you need to overwhelm the reader with regular intrusive promotional offers. The content you use for email marketing needs to be structured, useful, and have adequate frequency. Below you can find detailed tips that will help you achieve this result.

How to make sending emails effective?

Above, we looked at the key benefits that the email marketing method opens up to everyone who uses it. Now it’s worth checking out the recommendations that will help you make your emails as effective as possible so that the audience actually reads them. It is important to understand that now, many are starting to use this method. This means that your letters should stand out from the general array so that they are paid attention to and reacted to in the way you want. Here are some tips on how to do this:

  • Create intrigue in the subject line, but do not use the Caps Lock key. Sometimes people who send emails think that a large font in the subject line will make their message stand out from the competition. But in practice, this is not the case. The reader often perceives this manner as pressure on him. Solid capital letters in written speech are perceived in the same way as shouting in oral speech. Therefore, the persuasiveness of the subject of the letter is achieved due to the meanings invested in it. To test how effectively the subject line is formulated, ask yourself this question: “Does it reveal the key meaning of the letter?” If you answered in the negative, the wording of the topic needs to be improved.
  • Address the recipient by name and avoid common phrases. No one wants to receive letters that are too formulaic and not addressed to a specific person. Such email marketing is perceived as “time stealing”. Therefore, it is better to spend a little more effort to make the newsletter as personalized as possible.
  • Create customized offers. To do this, you should do at least basic analytics of the interests of your customers. When you fix which client and for which service they apply to you, it becomes much easier to form an individual system of discounts. There is no point in offering a client or client company discounts on services that are not in their area of interest. Such marketing without customization will be useless. This means that it is better to make fewer high-quality targeted offers than a huge number of letters that will not hit the target.
  • Combine specificity and conciseness. The benefits of the client from cooperation with you should be formulated as specifically as possible. But it is also important that the text is not too long. Otherwise, its main message will be lost, and the potential client will simply not finish reading your message. Make a compelling case for the benefits of your services, but do so without unreasonable volume. The main thing should always be the focus of attention and not be lost behind an array of text.
  • Use an email signature creator to make your own branded email signature. Your email signature is a surprisingly effective way to help you make connections and drive more leads. 

If you follow these simple but very powerful guidelines, you will be able to build the content in your email newsletter in the right way. It will work for you and will give you the opportunity to achieve all the benefits that were discussed in this material.

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