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10 Abandoned Cart Email Examples That You Shouldn’t Miss


7 out of every 10 customers abandon their shopping carts.

Ecommerce brands lose up to $18 billion in sales, and a great abandoned cart email can help recover a sizeable chunk of this lost revenue.

We’ve already established the importance of Abandoned cart software – The definition, statistics, tips, and tricks to make the most of your abandoned cart recovery strategy.

But the email is the most important part of your abandoned cart recovery strategy.

So, what makes a great abandoned cart email?

A great email should grab the customer’s attention and convince them to take the required action, in this case – completing their purchase.

Here are 60+ abandoned cart email examples that will definitely amp up your abandoned cart recovery strategy and help boost sales.

Content Is King

Good content is the cornerstone of any marketing campaign. And abandoned cart emails are no exception.

Crisp, clear content with persuasive, action-inducing words while maintaining the brand style is the sweet spot that most brands aim to achieve simply because that’s what works.

Customers love content that catches the eye, is short and to the point, and help take the required action easily.

For example:

abandoned cart email template with unique content

This abandoned cart email template is a great example of how good content can hold its own.

It takes advantage of the day and weather, making the product more relatable and necessary to the prospective customer. Handing out a coupon code definitely pushes the sale further.

Though the content is great and piques interest, one major observation is the distinct lack of color, images, and design. Adding photos of the abandoned products is also a good idea.

Creating a sense of urgency with content also helps in pushing a sale to take place faster.

Words like “nearly out of stock” or “ the clock is ticking” may motivate the customer to complete the purchase in a timely manner.

abandoned cart email template that showcases abandoned product

Say It With Images

While content is great, images have greater recall and memory retention value.

A cute photo grabs attention, whereas a photo of the products in the cart reminds the customer of their previous needs.

For example, the template below is targeted toward pet owners :

abandoned cart email template for pet store

The photo of a kitten immediately reminds a cat owner of their own pet and its needs.

The combination of text and image helps pet owners realize the importance of the product for his/her pet’s health and happiness. This emotional trigger definitely helps in increasing the chances of a sale.

Also, having a points system and mentioning the points a user has collected in the email gives the same sense of discount as a coupon code.

Whereas the abandoned cart email examples below simply contain the images of the products left in the cart:

minimalist abandoned cart email template

This image triggers the memory of wanting that particular product and reminds the user of its intended use and need.

Such images, when paired with supportive text such as “ You’ll look great in these” or text that creates a sense of urgency, “Almost sold out,” drives the customer to make the buying decision faster.

Definite Call To Action

The usage of great content and images is primarily to persuade the customer to take action, in this case – completing the purchase.

A nice big CTA helps the user take action immediately.

For Example:

attention grabbing abandoned cart email template

An easy-to-navigate email with fewer frills and clearer CTAs works better as it requires less patience and reading from the customer’s side.

A customer shouldn’t have to struggle with figuring out the next CTA once he/she has decided to make the purchase. Hence a clear CTA makes the transition to sales seamless and faster.

Coupon Codes

Everybody loves discounts.

One major reason for cart abandonment is the final cost of the shipment.

Taxes and shipping costs can add up and hike the product’s final price. This deters most potential customers.

Calculated distribution of coupon codes is a great way to win potential customers back.

Though this needs to be carried out with care: A repeated issue of discount codes can lead to lesser profits and may impact the name of the brand, whereas no discount codes can lead to the loss of a few valuable customers.

Abandoned cart emails with discount codes like the one below are great because they have a set time for purchase before the code expires. This helps speed up the decision-making from the customer’s end.

abandoned cart email template with discount code

While the above abandoned-cart email template is good on its own, an image of the product and customer support number would’ve been an added bonus to push the sale a little more.

Customer Support

Apart from cost reasons, one more reason why shoppers abandon their carts is the lack of easy accessibility to customer support.

They may have queries about the product, shipping, or other concerns that may deter the sale.

The provision of a customer support number or email on the abandoned cart emails bridges this gap and helps process the sale more smoothly.

abandoned cart email template with customer support

Related and Recommended Products

Including related and recommended items in an abandoned cart email is a great idea.

Some buyers may not be sure of the item that they have abandoned in the cart. Displaying similar items may help them find something that exactly matches their needs.

abandoned art email template with image of abandoned products

On the other hand, related items help push further sales, For e.g. a person buying a table, may need to buy chairs as well.

If a good option of chairs that match the table in the abandoned cart is displayed, it may push the user to buy the chairs as well.

abandoned cart email template

Customer Reviews

Customer reviews are very important pieces of literature that can make or break a sale.

About 72% of customers do not make a purchase without reading product reviews.

A customer, on average, reads up to 10 reviews before they make a purchase and form an opinion about the brand. (Source)

A customer reviews vouches for the product quality and instills a sense of credibility for the product.

Adding customer reviews in an abandoned cart email helps the customer realize that they are making the right decision by purchasing the product and that people who have bought the product have had a positive experience.

abandoned cart email template showcasing user reviews

Have trouble collecting positive customer reviews for your products? Try BayReviews

Wrapping Up

We’ve now gone through email templates containing important aspects that an abandoned cart email needs to have to land sales.

Following a healthy mix of a few of the aforementioned pointers will definitely help in winning back the interest of customers and help your business achieve sales faster.

It’s also important to ensure that the emails your brand sends out are optimized for mobile, as most customers use their mobile devices for checking email.

It’s essential that your abandoned cart emails also do justice to your branding. Formed an airtight abandoned cart recovery strategy? Here are some free templates to get you started.


Why BayEngage

BayEngage has over 300 email templates that address every stage in the customer lifecycle. It has an effective drag and drops editor that makes it easy to edit the email templates however you want. You will also have access to over a million stock images!

Its powerful email segmentation sends out highly targeted emails that have higher email deliverability and open rates. You will never have to worry about your email health and keep improving your email campaigns’ performances using its real-time data analytics.

BayEngage is built for both beginners and advanced users, making it extremely user-friendly. In addition to all this, BayEngage is proud that its abandoned cart emails have a 64% of success rate!

What are you waiting for?

Picture of Archana Gunasekaran

Archana Gunasekaran

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