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Reward Customers And Boost Engagement: BayRewards now works with BayEngage!

Experience seamless engagement: BayRewards and BayEngage unite! Unlock rewards and elevate connections. Dive into the integration now for enhanced customer experiences

Why BayRewards?

Unlock Rewards

Offer your customers irresistible incentives and rewards, driving loyalty, sales, and repeat purchases.

Reward program
Referral program

Referral Program

Incentivize customers and their referrals with exclusive perks. Seamlessly expand your reach by acquiring new customers through referrals.

Loyalty Program

Enhance customer loyalty by offering personalized incentives and exclusive rewards through our tailored loyalty program.

Loyalty program
tier gamification

Gamified Tiers

Harness the power of tier-based rewards for engaging and effective customer experiences that foster lasting relationships and revenue growth.

VIP Experience

Craft tiers with exclusive perks and offer early access to new products, creating a premium experience for your most valued customers.

VIP customers

Benefits of BayRewards Integration With BayEngage!

Unified data

Unified Data Management

By adopting a unified data management approach, businesses can gain deeper insights into customer behavior, and purchasing patterns.
customer connection


Forge deeper connections with personalized engagement strategies tailored to your audience's preferences to boost sales.
streamlined management

Streamlined Management

Manage your rewards program and customer engagement efforts from one centralized platform, saving time and resources.

Leverage BayRewards Tags in BayEngage

BayRewards Point Balance

Effortlessly synchronize your BayRewards points balance with BayEngage in real-time, enabling you to send personalized campaigns seamlessly.

reward points
referal points

BayRewards Referral URL

Sync your BayRewards referral link tags on BayEngage, enabling your customers to utilize these links to refer their friends.