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Get featured on TargetBay’s Ecommerce Blog Guest Post.

Send your requests to marketing@targetbay.com
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Yes! We love Ecommerce. You must have searched for:
ecommerce + “guest post” or your keyword + become a contributor
Or were you merely looking for an innovative eCommerce solutions platform to get your articles published?
You have come to the right place!

Publish your well-researched content on TargetBay!

But Why TargetBay?

We are one of the fastest-growing SaaS startups who love to create innovative Ecommerce solutions for modern-day retailers. 1000+ Ecommerce businesses on Shopify, Magento, WooCommerce, BigCommerce, Shift4Shop, and Volusion trust us!

Our growing blog section encompasses 20,000 subscribers and attracts thousands of visitors every month. It has become a popular hub for business enthusiasts and performance marketers. We love to generate educational content, not just promotional. Please take a quick tour of our blog section and validate our statement!

If you’re someone who loves the world of Ecommerce and wishes to share your expertise with our community, become a contributor now!


Quick tip: Scroll this page entirely before you submit an article. We value your time, that’s why!

Things To Do Before Reaching Out To Us:
Pick the topic that you want to write for! So, we expect our guest posts to be comprehensive and data-driven. (Basically, use your expertise and teach something new to the world of eCommerce and our readers!)

You can deep dive into:


Best marketing practices

ecom marketing

Ecommerce email marketing


Conversion rate optimization


Conversion rate optimization


Ecommerce analytics + data analysis

But don’t limit yourself to that. If you want to contribute to any exciting topic that impacts a marketing team, including:




Team development






Popular internet trends

Guest Post – Editorial Guidelines:

  • If your request has been approved, we encourage you to go through these guidelines to avoid rework. (Let’s save both our time and energy! Do you agree?)
  • We look forward to publishing unique, researched, resourceful and engaging content. Don’t let our plagiarism checkers find any detection. (We don’t want that now. Do we?)
  • You must have read our blogs while researching. So, you know our style/tone. Make sure your article reflects the same. Try to be casual and helpful with your writing—no buzzwords and jargon. We want readers to enjoy not feeling confused.
  • Review your article before sending it to us for proper spelling, grammar, and sentence structure. (We don’t want to become a Grammar Nazi.)
  • Not all of us have an inbuilt data analytics team to offer stats. So, it’s okay to use external data, quotations, and references in your article – provided you give proper attributions.
  • Yes, we understand your enthusiasm to include your company’s website in the article. We appreciate the excitement, given it does not exceed two links.
  • All of us are aware of how Google loves longer content. So, make sure your article is not less than 1500 words. If you have more quality content to offer, don’t curb it – feel free to go up to 3000 words.
  • None of us enjoy reading plain content. That’s why no one downloads PDFs anymore! Enhance the post with original images, embedded videos, or other relevant and engaging media.
  • Submit your article to us in Google Doc format only – it makes the reviewing process more comfortable.
  • We want to be your exclusive. So, this article cannot be reposted or syndicated elsewhere.
  • We have reached your favorite part. Don’t forget to include your author bio (approximately 50 words) and photo at the end of your guest post. It’s your work, so own it!

Please note:

  • Adhere to all these guidelines. We don’t want to delay, reject, or remove your guest post.
  • We have complete ownership of approving/rejecting or editing content and links based on the fit we see

Looking For A Writer For Guest Posting?

Our content marketing team is ready with exciting ideas that can enrich your resources section. Want us to write for you? Get in touch with us to explore exciting partnerships.

Who We Accept Guest Posts From

We encourage guest blog posts only from well-established Ecommerce industry professionals/companies.

We can’t wait to receive your contributions. Let’s help each other to grow our Ecommerce community.

Get in touch with us
