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Instagram Tags

Specific your content source as Instagram tags that resemble your product/brand, and pulls this content into a feed or gallery that you can curate and embed within your website. By bringing UGC such as product photos to your on-site Ecommerce marketing mix, you elevate the experience. Moreover, it gives reassurance when it comes to risky, complex, or impulse purchases.

According to L2’s Instagram Intelligence Report, 18 percent of the 250 brands that take part in the research—featured UGC from Instagram onto an off-site gallery. Only 9 percent embed UGC directly on product pages, despite the fact that doing so can drastically improve conversion rates.

The Study Concluded That Multiple Ecommerce Industries Witnessed Significant Improvement In Conversions:

Fashion and apparel: 6.4X times

Jewelry: 2.4X times

Footwear: 1.7X times

Personal care: 1.6X times

Make The Most Of Your User-Generated Images

Pull Customer Images From Instagram Automatically

Real-time images created and shared by your customers can help other potential customers see themselves in those creative assets and can then enter your sales funnel. With BayPics, you can specify the content source (Instagram tags), thus allowing the curator to pull relevant images from your customers’ Instagram accounts. Further, you can either choose to embed these pictures into your home page or product detail page.

Repurpose UGC With Explicit Permission From The Customer

User rights matter. When it comes to user-generated content, many Ecommerce brands still aren’t aware that the users retain the copyrights to the content that they publish. In fact, if you don’t ask permission from a consumer to repurpose their content, you’re setting your brand up for disaster. BayPics closes this loophole by approaching UGC with a “secure permission first” doctrine.

Filter Out Images You Don’t Want To Showcase In The Gallery

The first rule of Ecommerce: Avoid any kind of content that compromises the shopping experience. BayPics comes with a manual photo filtering option—which gives the user absolute freedom to choose the images he/she want to showcase on their website. Retailers can hide particular images if those aren’t a match to the defined standards—thereby preventing the substandard pictures from displaying among other images in the product gallery.

Have Full Control Over How You Want The Images To Appear

We provide a flexible option to customize your product gallery. You can easily and freely customize the look by making changes that don’t compromise your brand personality. There truly are no limits to what you can do. You can add specific icons/logos or customized messages to ensure a highly personalized experience.