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Exquisite Product Galleries

Your customers and fans are out there on Instagram sharing photos, featuring your brand and products, with the world. Convert your Instagram photos into shoppable product galleries, and increase your conversions by leveraging the power of social proof.

Instagram has over a billion users. This reason itself is sufficient enough to not ignore its potential if you’re looking to increase online product sales. By utilizing the prodigious potential of Instagram, marketers will have access to a huge audience of 100 million active users snapping over 40 million photos per day and posting 1000 comments per second. BayPics allows you to embed the photos you choose into your product pages like galleries and thereby building trust and credibility.

Ecommerce Shoppers Engage With Brands On Instagram More Than Any Other Social Network. Customer Engagement Is:

10x higher than Facebook

54x higher than Pinterest

84x higher than Twitter

Harness The Power Of User-Generated Content

Let Your Customers do the Talking.

Demonstrate Social Proof
Incorporating a product gallery into your home page or product detail page is a way of social proofing your brand. Social proof in a marketing context is evidence that other people have purchased and found value in the product or service offered by your brand. People are more likely to purchase a product that others are already purchasing. Social proof is such a powerful psychological factor, it is a great item to test across your online store, especially on your product detail pages.

Convey Trust And Authority
Showcasing real-time pictures from satisfied customers is how you build trust and credibility. Now, do trust is that important in Ecommerce? Trust is one of the key factors in converting customers online. Providing their payment data to an unknown business over the web is a large hurdle for customers to overcome. Showing newbie customers that a business has many satisfied customers helps to build authority, and trust that a business is legitimate and trustworthy.

Boost Engagement And Sales
85% of consumers find visual UGC more persuasive than brand-created content. In fact, effective UGC can generate a 6.9x higher engagement than brand-generated content. Baypics’ shoppable galleries are committed to keeping your customers engaged by bringing your brand to life through visual inspiration and product discovery. Moreover, if you properly leverage user-generated content from Instagram, you’ll be on your way to increase your Ecommerce sales.

Keep Your Content Fresh And Up-To-Date.
Product Gallery is a great way to update your website content regularly. According to the consumer content report by Stackla, 60% of people said UGC is the most authentic form of content. And the fresh content is not the only catch. Having genuine user-generated content on your product pages will enhance the content relevance, thereby improving the SEO. Better SEO leads to better reach, and ultimately more conversions.

BayPics Brings You Flexibility And Adaptability

Customizable Photo Gallery
Do not settle with a single layout. Your brand personality is what makes you instantly recognizable and attractive to your customers. BayPics allows its users to create a customizable photo gallery design that matches with visible elements of the brand—such as color, design, etc.

Select Images Of Your Choice
Not all the pictures in your product gallery will perform the same. Want to hide or remove an image from the photo gallery? We have good news for you! Choose the images you like to display and hide the substandard images from your product gallery.

Track And Report
Never miss a sale. Stay up to date with your best performing Instagram images. Get to see the attention grabbers and those that convert visitor's interest into sales. Scale your content curation efforts by understanding what works out best for you. BayPics’ Report and Analytics feature help you measure visitors' interaction on your website, and make sense of the data you gather.