Webinar alert 📢 : Grow your eCommerce revenue with dynamic pricing strategies 📈 Join us on Thurs, May 23rd @ 1 PM EST

Nash Ogden

Co-Founder, TargetBay | Email & SMS Marketing Expert

16 years of experience working with high-growth companies

Worked closely with 350+ eCommerce stores

Generated 24% of total revenue from email & SMS marketing alone

Helping businesses make $12,000 - $17,000 in new sales every month

I am the Co-founder of TargetBay – an unified marketing automation and customer experience management platform.
All businesses focus on these metrics – growth, and profitability. I would say that when it comes to marketing and sales, it’s all about ROI. I have helped hundreds of online stores generate $2M+ in revenue with just email and SMS marketing alone.
One of the most common struggles of store owners is making only a substantial margin of their sales from their own website, while the majority is from Amazon. While they were happy about their revenue from Amazon, they still wanted to reduce their dependence on the retail giant and gain more attention, visibility, and recognition as an independent brand. That’s when TargetBay came into the picture. With strategic email marketing and SMS marketing automation, store owners do not just reduce their dependence on Amazon but also increase their customer acquisition, engagement, retention, and eventually their revenue!

Growing TargetBay From Scratch To 4,800+ Customers

I started TargetBay in 2016 by helping clients set up email automation, helping them grow their subscriber list with pop-ups, and my clients loved my work and kept sending more referrals. Today, TargetBay has over 4,000 ecommerce stores using our product.
I have personally worked with 350+ online stores in setting up their welcome emails, abandoned cart emails, post-purchase emails, and more. On average, I help generate $12,000 – $17,000 in new sales every month, depending on the website traffic.

What’s The Secret Sauce To Growing Your Website?

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My question to you is – Are you ready to move some of your Amazon sales to your own

website and increase your profit margin?

If you’ve made it this far,
Don’t hesitate.
Let’s connect.

The Wall Of Love!